Skin Care Routine: How To Take Care A Sensitive And Allergic Skin

Manila Phils – Born allergic with a sensitive skin? It’s really annoying when you have allergies with some foods or with just small insect bites it caused you irritating skin. And it’s so worst when you couldn’t sleep at night because your skin is itchy and scratchy.

You just got an allergic, very sensitive skin and with just small bites of insects it already bruised your skin and your small bruises lead to scars when it healed. You just couldn’t help it.

When you were small your mom would just probably always bundle you up in a clothing from head to toe to avoid you for getting insect bites like the unavoidable mosquito bites because your prone to bites and bruises. At that time you wouldn’t mind about it because you have no idea it caused you bruised and itchy skin.

But when you’re older, you feel terribly bothered with the discomfort of even with the smallest insect bites because it wouldn’t make you sleep at night you just go in and out of the bathroom to wash your irritated skin. And besides of the bites, sometimes your face would just turn into rashes because you have no idea you have eaten food that causes allergic reaction.

See in this video how my face could look red and irritated when out of nowhere I’m hit with allergy.

I’ve experienced this my whole life. I really have an allergy on food that causes my skin and my face to itch. Sometimes when the wind is colder, I think my face would get also into rashes and cracked. I easily get bruised with small insect bites and would bother me with the annoying and irritating skin when I’m about to sleep at night. Ah, I’m used to this routine.

Luckily, I’ve already learned how to take care of my skin itchiness and allergy.

Here are the basic products I maintain to treat my allergies and they work gently when used.

Top 3 Basic Products To Handle Your Skin Allergy Gently

1. Physiogel Cleanser

A gentle cleanser that’s so soft to skin you could use it for washing face or anywhere in where your body. It definitely relieves itchy and scratchy skin due to allergy, bruise and bites.


2. Tricort Cream

Triamcinolone or tricort cream, a cream that treats eczema, dermatitis, allergies, rash or simply itchy skin. It works best as a cream to affected area to comfort skin from itchy and scratchy feeling.


3. Cetirizine

A tablet that treats allergy. When you get into rashes and redness because of allergy and you feel like it’s just getting worse or it wouldn’t stop, you can take cetirizine to let it subside and it can make it go away.

Thankful for these gentle products! They are part of my skin care routine I couldn’t live without. They would help me get a non-irritating and clearer skin from allergies.

These products were prescribed to me by my dermatologist years ago and I just maintain them and work so fine with me with no adverse effect. It can be bought over the counter at Mercury or Watsons.

Please consult your own physician or dermatologist for your own prescription because your allergy or condition maybe different from mine.


Watch In Youtube: How To Take Care Sensitive And Allergic Skin